Skidaddles offers premium child care with flexible options from drop-in hourly time perfect for errands and date nights to full-time learning and play you can’t find anywhere else.
Both locations now accepting ages 12 months - 12 years!
We offer premium daycare where kids will have fun and explore when you need time for errands, meetings, dates, and more.
Enroll in full-time care and preschool for a daily curriculum customized to help each child flourish at their pace.
Book a fun birthday party, enroll in educational camps, and take the fun home with activity kits and the latest learning toys.
$16.50 per hour for children under 2
$13.50 per hour for children 2 years and up
$6 per hour for 2nd child
$3 per hour for each additional child
$95 enrollment fee
$5 per meal
Reservations can be made for all children, but are highly recommended for children under 2 1/2 years of age to ensure we have a spot available.